California association of legal document

  • By:David Weissman

CALDA promotes growth, development, and recognition of the Legal Document Assistants’ profession as an integral partner in the delivery of legal services. Membership consists of registered and bonded California Legal Document Assistants, educated in ethics, standards and continuing education programs to ensure and maintain high quality LDA members and to protect and serve the public.

The California Association of Legal Document Assistants was established in August 1986, and was formerly known as “California Association of Independent Paralegals” (CAIP). CALDA is the time honored organization for legal document preparation professionals and supporters of this profession. CALDA promotes and encourages high standards of ethical and professional conduct while offering its members educational opportunities, professional alliance, a website business listing, member forum exchange, and attorney approved printed brochure materials. Commitment is given to increasing public access to the legal system and CALDA recognizes the Legal Document Assistant’s professional responsibilities to the public, to the legal system, and to colleagues. CALDA is a Nonprofit Mutual Benefit 501(c)6 Corporation. CALDA’s mailing address: CALDA, P.O. Box 2571, Granite Bay, CA 95746. You can call us at (916) 791-9100. Fax: (916)-912-4974 or visit for more information.

Posted in: General Information

LegalDoc-Prep (LD-P) is not a law office and cannot represent you in court. We provide document preparation services at your specific direction and pursuant to; Business & Professional Code Sec. 6400. Services provided by (LD-P) are not a substitute for the advice of a lawyer. If you require legal advice contact an attorney; Sacramento Cnty Lawyer Referral at:

All information and contents found within this website has been derived from approved and sanctioned literature found on the California Association of Legal Document Assistants website. For more information please visit